Updates and Press
My colorized photos made it to the news papers. Today in Yediot Aharonot an article containing seven iconic Israeli historical photos. See the full article below. Enjoy

This ne illustration for the city of Bloomington (Indiana) new Bike lane map shows the first (and at the moment) only bike crossing light next to the chocolate moose.
On the bench (in the back) is my family and me enjoying our ice-cream on a lovely summer evening. As in most of my art there is an animal hiding in this illustration. Look for the turtle in the frame

Two new illustrations for the new high-end "Carmel Vineyards" series.
This series includes four red wines and two white wines.
The illustrations depict two typical Galilee landscapes with mountains vineyards and roads.

This ad appeared in the Feb issue of Animation Magazine.
You can also see my original larger version of the illustration titled
"Take your imagination for a dance"

A profile piece about my art in Bloomington IN. appears in this months Bloom Magazine.
Thank you Malcolm, Cairril Mills and Erick Rudd.

Have your kids Learn drawing techniques while studying about the greatest artists in history!
To sign up please contact Avi Katz at:

This new publication, "Distinctively Bloomington," is filled with beautiful ads to help visitors find the best of the best in Bloomington! The cover is my interpretation to a colorful fall day on W. Kirkwood Ave.

Listen to the radio interview on WFIU of Chris and I about our new book "the fish on the dome"
Scroll down to min 41.

Parka is a blogger from Singapore and Parka is his online alias.
"Parka Blogs" is an art book blog. On the blog you'll see art related stuff and reviews of art books . The art books are mostly related to animation, movies and comics.

This site accompanies the newly released children's book 'The fish on the dome"
To buy the book just go to the site and click the button.